"BOTH Republicans AND Democrats are hypocrites and cowards, because
both have sold out America and the American gross domestic product
(GDP) to Israel. The United States does not exist anymore as a
sovereign entity and all our energy, all our societal efforts are
dedicated to supporting Israel first, Israel second, and Israel third.
America is a Jew-ocracy that is run for the Jews, by the Jews, and of
the Jews, because America is a Jewish owned corporation, not a
"democracy." Votes don't matter much here in the USA because
Washington runs on money, not on votes, and Democratic presidential
candidate Senator Hillary Clinton is just as sold out to the Israeli
lobby, AIPAC (the America Israel Public Affairs Committee), as
Republican presidential candidate Senator Bill Frist. Former
president Bill Clinton was sold out, Jimmy Carter was sold out and
later admitted it after he left office, Ronald Reagan was sold out,
all American presidents were sold out going back to JFK..
All our Middle East problems, our vast national debt, our collapsing
economy, and our collapsing standard of living are all directly the
result of our blind support for Israel's illegal ethnic cleansing of
Palestinians from Palestine. Bush used Israeli torture techniques on
Moslems, our leaders have let Israeli agents here in the USA illegally
spy on American citizens, we ignore UN Resolutions that tell Israel
to go retreat to their 1967 borders as international law mandates. We
routinely block the United Nations from taking action against Israel's
illegal activities. We gave Israel plutonium and helped them build
their atomic and hydrogen bombs, we shoveled Israel over 140 billion
in foreign aid since 1950, and we have wasted 3 to 4 trillion dollars
in total on the cult of Zionism since 1950 through the cost of illegal
wars, oil embargoes, foreign aid, and the cost of the strategic oil
reserve. Frankly, the Jews are bleeding America dry and no one is
courageous enough to stand up to the Jews because Jews in America are
the exact equivalent of George Orwell's BIG BROTHER. Jews tell us all
what to do, what we are allowed to think, and what we are allowed to
speak. Jews control our government, dominate our media, and crush any
opposition by slandering those with legitimate and provable complaints
as "anti-Semites."
It must be great to be above criticism and to control the stupid and
dull Christian masses and laugh at them behind their backs and even to
their faces and get no response other than more feet licking, bowing,
and kow towing. George Bush is a useful idiot, a water carrier for
the Jews just as Hillary Clinton will be if elected president. Both
Iraq wars were started for the Jews and by the Jews. All our
politicians are a disgrace and we will never regain our sovereignty,
solve our foreign policy problems, or balance our budget until we end
our slavish allegiance to the immoral, racist, murdering, torturing,
lying, stealing, manipulating cult nation of Israel.
The Holocaust business feeds the Zionist cult and Hollywood has
deified Jews while vilifying Moslems...
Our nation is a lying, hypocritical mess and the world hates us
because the world knows we are a nation of morons run by Jews. Where
are the brave and honest Americans who speak with one face, not two?
Americans are defeated, weak, foolish, and can't even speak out
because they are scared like little girls, unable to even speak the
word "Jew" unless in praise or on bended knees. Imagine if Catholics
or Moonies or the Mafia had that much control in America! Jews are
not above the law and Jews can be opposed for their real world crimes
just like anyone else. Our brains are frozen by decades of media
programming and propaganda so that now we cannot even speak the "J
word." Political correctness, which was invented by Jews as a form of
mind control, prevents Americans from being fully human. We are a
nation of slaves, licking Jewish feet day after day and we never get
tired of it. It's a sad and pathetic situation and we are a sad and
pathetic people who deserve the contempt of the world because we have
no backbone and no honesty.
The United Kingdom is little better than the USA because Tony Blair is
a rabid Christian Zionist himself and most of his top advisors are
Jews. Much of Europe is sold out and controlled by Jews and the cult
of Zionism has Western leaders by the testicles, frozen and unable to
fight back. Now is the time to speak up, to fight back, and to do it
legally, responsibly, and effectively. Just decide that from now on
Jews have no special privileges in your brain and that you can
criticize Jews just like Republicans, Democrats, Catholics, Moonies,
or any other group. Jews act as a 90% unified group, commit crimes as
a 90% unified group, and control America as a 90% unified group, and
thus deserve to be criticized as a 90% unified group. Being able to
criticize those who do harm is what democracy means and is exactly
what freedom of thought means. Become a fully functioning human being
and not just another mind controlled blob of useless DNA!"
http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com http://www.nsm88.org
http://heretical.com/ http://immigration-globalization.blogspot.com/