Leroy N. Soetoro
2015-12-15 19:52:44 UTC
Several weapons, including possibly some automatic rifles, were stolen
from an Army Reserve facility this weekend in Massachusetts, according to
news reports.
Officials with the FBI declined to say what type or how many weapons were
taken. But the Daily Beast, citing an unnamed source, reports more than a
dozen weapons were taken, including six M4 assault rifles, 10 pistols, and
"several" long guns.
The FBI says it doesn't believe the theft is related to terrorism, but it
has issued a national alert in an effort to locate the missing weapons,
the Boston Herald reports.
"The FBI is aware that some weapons are missing as a result of the break-
in at the Army Reserve Center in Worcester, Massachusetts. We have entered
those weapons into NCIC, a national database, and alerted our federal,
state and local law enforcement partners," FBI spokeswoman Kristen Setera
tells the Herald. "We are collaborating with Massachusetts State Police,
Worcester police and others to locate and recover these weapons
The break-in occurred at the Lake St. Army Reserve Center in Worcester,
CNN reports. The Herald says the theft occurred late Saturday night.
Advocatus Diaboli Nov 16, 2015
"The FBI is aware that some weapons are missing as a result of the break-
in at the Army Reserve Center in Worcester, Massachusetts. We have entered
those weapons into NCIC, a national database, and alerted our federal,
state and local law enforcement partners,"
"Ahh, yeah...BOLO for some stolen weapons. They are black, long, and
don't shoot blanks."
Rudogg Nov 16, 2015
Exactly correct Paths....plus possible inside assist...safe combo, etc..
UnsafeBikePaths Nov 16, 2015
I served 6 years in the Ohio Army National Guard after serving 6 years in
the United States Marine Corps.
It was not unusual for Ohio Army National Guardsmen to be issued firearms
for training and to keep them until almost to the last day of their
monthly drill.
Weapons were often stored at stack arms in the field, just like they are
in active duty in the U.S. Military, or stored in a locked room when
troops returned to the National Guard Armory, which is really just a
building, while troops ate or did other training.
This kind of theft can occur elsewhere, because as former National
Guardsmen and former military personnel should already know, weapons
security isn't really that tight.
It isn't uncommon for a U.S. Serviceman to leave his firearm unattended
somewhere and go back to search where he left it.
I wouldn't be surprised if a National Guardsmen stole the military
weapons, because some steal other things, like load bearing equipment and
other military items.
This isn't unusual either as every military veteran should already know.
UnsafeBikePaths Nov 16, 2015
Perhaps, this will be a wake-up call for each state's National Guard to
increase their security policies for firearms and for their National Guard
Armories in general.
National Guard Armories are soft targets for anyone wanting to steal
military firearms, because the vast majority of the time, live ammunition
isn't issued, and usually a National Guard Armory only has one full-time
employee running the National Guard Armory when it isn't being used for
monthly drills.
The National Guard Armories I served at even rented out space for
Jazzercize, receptions, and other events to any civilian who wanted to
rent them, even though expensive military firearms, mortars, machine guns,
and other military equipment, like night vision devices, were stored
I remember seeing a former convicted rapist at the Delaware National Guard
Armory, who was lifting weights there, because the Armory had rented out
space to a weightlifting club.
A Good Guy With A Gun
A Good Guy With A Gun Nov 16, 2015
It appears the weapons were not locked in a safe. Report states that the
guns "were taken from a building full of locked doors."
oldmopar Nov 16, 2015
Attention Liberals and NEOMG, these are true Assault Rifles, fully
automatic M4 rifles that are used by the US Military.
AR-15's are not Assault Rifles, because they are Semi-Automatic only. The
general public cannot legally buy assault rifles unless they hold a valid
Class III firearms license. And they are not given out like candy, you
will have to agree to have the FBI invade your life doing back ground
checks to get one.
So when the next time a clueless Democrat politician talk about banning
assault rifles please note that these are what they are talking about
which the general public can't get their hands on anyway.
FlagShare4Rudoggrmc63A Good Guy With A GunUnsafeBikePathsLikeReply
Swiftus27 Nov 16, 2015
@oldmopar Anything that uses NATO .556 ammo doesn't need to be fully
automatic. Just put it in someone's capable hands.
oldmopar Nov 16, 2015
@Swiftus27 @oldmopar Not sure what bullet size has to do with this? AR15s
take .223 / 5.56 and there are plenty of NON AR15 type rifles that use
.223 ammo. The M1 Garand uses a 30caliber round which is bigger than the
Chefcap69 Nov 16, 2015
I remember when I was in the National Guard, the weapons were stored on
site, but the bolt actions to all the weapons were stored in the evidence
locker at the local Sherriff's Dept. That way, the weapons are basically
inoperable. I hope that's the case, or somebody just stumbled upon a
major group of firearms!!
Advocatus Diaboli
Advocatus Diaboli Nov 16, 2015
@Chefcap69 a bolt for an AR/M4/M16 is not that expensive nor hard to
oldmopar Nov 16, 2015
@Advocatus Diaboli @Chefcap69 having a M16 BCG won't turn an Semi-Auto
AR15 into a fully automatic rifle.
302CLE Nov 16, 2015
Weapons were more than likely locked in their proper cabinets in the
armory but I'll bet the armory keys were not kept secured. I'll bet
dollars to donuts they were kept hanging on a hook instead on being kept
in a safe because the personnel working there were tired of having to open
the safe all the time to get the keys.
Obama increased total debt from $10 trillion to $19 trillion in the six
years he has been in office, and sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
queer liberal democrat donors.
Barack Obama, reelected by the dumbest voters in the history of the United
States of America. The only American president to deliberately import a
lethal infectious disease from Africa, Ebola.
Loretta Fuddy, killed after she "verified" Obama's phony birth
Nancy Pelosi, Democrat criminal, accessory before and after the fact to
improper vetting of Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama, a confirmed
felon using SSAN 042-68-4425, belonging to a dead man.
Obama ignored the brutal killing of an American diplomat in Benghazi, then
relieved American military officers who attempted to prevent said murder
in order to cover up his own ineptitude.
Obama continues his muslim goal of disarming America while ObamaCare
increases insurance premiums 300% and leaves millions without health care.
--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---
Several weapons, including possibly some automatic rifles, were stolen
from an Army Reserve facility this weekend in Massachusetts, according to
news reports.
Officials with the FBI declined to say what type or how many weapons were
taken. But the Daily Beast, citing an unnamed source, reports more than a
dozen weapons were taken, including six M4 assault rifles, 10 pistols, and
"several" long guns.
The FBI says it doesn't believe the theft is related to terrorism, but it
has issued a national alert in an effort to locate the missing weapons,
the Boston Herald reports.
"The FBI is aware that some weapons are missing as a result of the break-
in at the Army Reserve Center in Worcester, Massachusetts. We have entered
those weapons into NCIC, a national database, and alerted our federal,
state and local law enforcement partners," FBI spokeswoman Kristen Setera
tells the Herald. "We are collaborating with Massachusetts State Police,
Worcester police and others to locate and recover these weapons
The break-in occurred at the Lake St. Army Reserve Center in Worcester,
CNN reports. The Herald says the theft occurred late Saturday night.
Advocatus Diaboli Nov 16, 2015
"The FBI is aware that some weapons are missing as a result of the break-
in at the Army Reserve Center in Worcester, Massachusetts. We have entered
those weapons into NCIC, a national database, and alerted our federal,
state and local law enforcement partners,"
"Ahh, yeah...BOLO for some stolen weapons. They are black, long, and
don't shoot blanks."
Rudogg Nov 16, 2015
Exactly correct Paths....plus possible inside assist...safe combo, etc..
UnsafeBikePaths Nov 16, 2015
I served 6 years in the Ohio Army National Guard after serving 6 years in
the United States Marine Corps.
It was not unusual for Ohio Army National Guardsmen to be issued firearms
for training and to keep them until almost to the last day of their
monthly drill.
Weapons were often stored at stack arms in the field, just like they are
in active duty in the U.S. Military, or stored in a locked room when
troops returned to the National Guard Armory, which is really just a
building, while troops ate or did other training.
This kind of theft can occur elsewhere, because as former National
Guardsmen and former military personnel should already know, weapons
security isn't really that tight.
It isn't uncommon for a U.S. Serviceman to leave his firearm unattended
somewhere and go back to search where he left it.
I wouldn't be surprised if a National Guardsmen stole the military
weapons, because some steal other things, like load bearing equipment and
other military items.
This isn't unusual either as every military veteran should already know.
UnsafeBikePaths Nov 16, 2015
Perhaps, this will be a wake-up call for each state's National Guard to
increase their security policies for firearms and for their National Guard
Armories in general.
National Guard Armories are soft targets for anyone wanting to steal
military firearms, because the vast majority of the time, live ammunition
isn't issued, and usually a National Guard Armory only has one full-time
employee running the National Guard Armory when it isn't being used for
monthly drills.
The National Guard Armories I served at even rented out space for
Jazzercize, receptions, and other events to any civilian who wanted to
rent them, even though expensive military firearms, mortars, machine guns,
and other military equipment, like night vision devices, were stored
I remember seeing a former convicted rapist at the Delaware National Guard
Armory, who was lifting weights there, because the Armory had rented out
space to a weightlifting club.
A Good Guy With A Gun
A Good Guy With A Gun Nov 16, 2015
It appears the weapons were not locked in a safe. Report states that the
guns "were taken from a building full of locked doors."
oldmopar Nov 16, 2015
Attention Liberals and NEOMG, these are true Assault Rifles, fully
automatic M4 rifles that are used by the US Military.
AR-15's are not Assault Rifles, because they are Semi-Automatic only. The
general public cannot legally buy assault rifles unless they hold a valid
Class III firearms license. And they are not given out like candy, you
will have to agree to have the FBI invade your life doing back ground
checks to get one.
So when the next time a clueless Democrat politician talk about banning
assault rifles please note that these are what they are talking about
which the general public can't get their hands on anyway.
FlagShare4Rudoggrmc63A Good Guy With A GunUnsafeBikePathsLikeReply
Swiftus27 Nov 16, 2015
@oldmopar Anything that uses NATO .556 ammo doesn't need to be fully
automatic. Just put it in someone's capable hands.
oldmopar Nov 16, 2015
@Swiftus27 @oldmopar Not sure what bullet size has to do with this? AR15s
take .223 / 5.56 and there are plenty of NON AR15 type rifles that use
.223 ammo. The M1 Garand uses a 30caliber round which is bigger than the
Chefcap69 Nov 16, 2015
I remember when I was in the National Guard, the weapons were stored on
site, but the bolt actions to all the weapons were stored in the evidence
locker at the local Sherriff's Dept. That way, the weapons are basically
inoperable. I hope that's the case, or somebody just stumbled upon a
major group of firearms!!
Advocatus Diaboli
Advocatus Diaboli Nov 16, 2015
@Chefcap69 a bolt for an AR/M4/M16 is not that expensive nor hard to
oldmopar Nov 16, 2015
@Advocatus Diaboli @Chefcap69 having a M16 BCG won't turn an Semi-Auto
AR15 into a fully automatic rifle.
302CLE Nov 16, 2015
Weapons were more than likely locked in their proper cabinets in the
armory but I'll bet the armory keys were not kept secured. I'll bet
dollars to donuts they were kept hanging on a hook instead on being kept
in a safe because the personnel working there were tired of having to open
the safe all the time to get the keys.
Obama increased total debt from $10 trillion to $19 trillion in the six
years he has been in office, and sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
queer liberal democrat donors.
Barack Obama, reelected by the dumbest voters in the history of the United
States of America. The only American president to deliberately import a
lethal infectious disease from Africa, Ebola.
Loretta Fuddy, killed after she "verified" Obama's phony birth
Nancy Pelosi, Democrat criminal, accessory before and after the fact to
improper vetting of Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama, a confirmed
felon using SSAN 042-68-4425, belonging to a dead man.
Obama ignored the brutal killing of an American diplomat in Benghazi, then
relieved American military officers who attempted to prevent said murder
in order to cover up his own ineptitude.
Obama continues his muslim goal of disarming America while ObamaCare
increases insurance premiums 300% and leaves millions without health care.
--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---