A Family Destroyed by the Gay Agenda -- Just say you're dumping mother of your children to pursue a life of sodomy
(too old to reply)
Bill Steele
2014-10-02 22:15:59 UTC
In article <a3b55a5c-4261-4b55-80ac-
Progressives are fond of proclaiming that you can’t make an omelet
without breaking some eggs. One of the eggs broken by the Culture War
blitzkrieg seeking to establish homosexuality as normal is named Janna
[Janna Darnelle]
In the fall of 2007, my husband of almost ten years told me that he was
gay and that he wanted a divorce. In an instant, the world that I had
known and loved—the life we had built together—was shattered.
I tried to convince him to stay, to stick it out and fight to save our
marriage. But my voice, my desires, my needs—and those of our two young
children—no longer mattered to him. We had become disposable, because he
had embraced one tiny word that had become his entire identity. Being gay
trumped commitment, vows, responsibility, faith, fatherhood, marriage,
friendships, and community. All of this was thrown away for the sake of
his new identity.
Try as I might to save our marriage, there was no stopping my husband.
Our divorce was not settled in mediation or with lawyers. No, it went all
the way to trial. My husband wanted primary custody of our children. His
entire case can be summed up in one sentence: “I am gay, and I deserve my
rights.” It worked: the judge gave him practically everything he wanted.
At one point, he even told my husband, “If you had asked for more, I
would have given it to you.”
[/Janna Darnelle]
Hard to believe, isn’t it? You’re right; it’s not the least bit hard to
believe. Not anymore.
At least now you know how to keep from getting taken to the cleaners in
divorce court. Just say you are dumping the mother of your children to
pursue a life of sodomy, and the liberal establishment will back you to
the hilt.
[Janna Darnelle]
I truly believe that judge was legislating from the bench, disregarding
the facts of our particular case and simply using us—using our children—
to help influence future cases. In our society, LGBT citizens are seen as
marginalized victims who must be protected at all costs, even if it means
stripping rights from others. By ignoring the injustice committed against
me and my children, the judge seemed to think that he was correcting a
larger injustice.
[/Janna Darnelle]
That injustice presumably consists of the failure of every generation
throughout human history prior to our own to appreciate the political
righteousness of homosexuality.
[Janna Darnelle]
My ex-husband and his partner went on to marry. Their first ceremony took
place before our state redefined marriage. After it created same-sex
marriage, they chose to have a repeat performance. In both cases, my
children were forced—against my will and theirs—to participate. At the
second ceremony, which included more than twenty couples, local news
stations and papers were there to document the first gay weddings
officiated in our state. USA Today did a photo journal shoot on my ex and
his partner, my children, and even the grandparents. I was not notified
that this was taking place, nor was I given a voice to object to our
children being used as props to promote same-sex marriage in the media.
At the time of the first ceremony, the marriage was not recognized by our
state, our nation, or our church. And my ex-husband’s new marriage, like
the majority of male-male relationships, is an “open,” non-exclusive
relationship. This sends a clear message to our children: what you feel
trumps all laws, promises, and higher authorities. You can do whatever
you want, whenever you want—and it doesn’t matter who you hurt along the
After our children’s pictures were publicized, a flood of comments and
posts appeared. Commenters exclaimed at how beautiful this gay family was
and congratulated my ex-husband and his new partner on the family that
they “created.” But there is a significant person missing from those
pictures: the mother and abandoned wife. That “gay family” could not
exist without me.
There is not one gay family that exists in this world that was created
[/Janna Darnelle]
Thought criminal! No wonder USA Today wasn’t interested in her
[Janna Darnelle]
Our two young children were willfully and intentionally thrust into a
world of strife and combative beliefs, lifestyles, and values, all in the
name of “gay rights.” Their father moved into his new partner’s condo,
which is in a complex inhabited by sixteen gay men. One of the men has a
19-year-old male prostitute who comes to service him. Another man, who
functions as the father figure of this community, is in his late sixties
and has a boyfriend in his twenties. My children are brought to gay
parties where they are the only children and where only alcoholic
beverages are served. They are taken to transgender baseball games, gay
rights fundraisers, and LGBT film festivals.
[/Janna Darnelle]
We are required to pretend that this sort of atmosphere is normal and
healthy. Most any liberal would be willing to inflict it on unseen,
theoretical children in the name of political correctness. But how many
people out there would be wicked enough to inflict it on their own
All homosexuals are child molesters.
Source: http://bit.ly/1B7MCK3
Remember in November - This election is our first referendum on amnesty.
"Apparently, the leading cause of hard drive failures is subpoenas.”
(Clarice Feldman)
"Never underestimate the willingness of white progressives to be offended
on behalf of people who aren’t and to impose their will on those who
didn’t ask for it." (Derek Hunter)
"If the Democrats didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any
standards all." (Chuck Lehmann)
Gunner Asch
2014-10-03 18:20:44 UTC
On Fri, 3 Oct 2014 00:15:59 +0200 (CEST), "Bill Steele"
Post by Bill Steele
We are required to pretend that this sort of atmosphere is normal and
healthy. Most any liberal would be willing to inflict it on unseen,
theoretical children in the name of political correctness. But how many
people out there would be wicked enough to inflict it on their own
All homosexuals are child molesters.
Actually far from true.

And most child molesters are not "homosexual". They fall into that
third catagory..pedophiles

"At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child,
miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied,
demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless.
Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats."
PJ O'Rourke
