tesla sTinker
2015-12-15 19:44:22 UTC
This is a good example to set before you. So that you understand that
you yourself are not Catholic. Thanksgiving is a pagan holiday, it
has nothing to do with Christmas, yet, pagans molded it into such a
thing that this is the day we give thanks to God, but it is really
a cesar thing about politics of pilgrims. A pilgrim could of been
anyone on the boat. So by true Catholic, it is not a Christian Holiday,
but yet it runs on the Declaration of Independence, as such
under obedience to the One true God. That God, is yes, Jesus. Yet,
many against the Christian Religion would say, that it is not descripted
as to which god it is... Which is just more plane flat out BULL SHIT
that no one should listen to, since the Daniel that wrote the
Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, was so a
very Roman Catholic, and owner of the Marlboro plantation, That yes, he
gave Washington DC the dam land they sit on, thats right, gave it to
them to build the Government of the USA on. Charity, which is what
Christ had taught to this world. Yet, so many of you , do not follow
\the Declaration of Independence in the true Ten Commandments that are
to be honored by everyone inside this nation. In order to honor the
true Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, the
very First Document that built this nation. Now, you can all understand
why, Thanksgiving seems like a Christian Holiday, yet it is not yet
proclaimed as such by the true Catholic Church. Why, because to many
pagans use it swapping sides against the Christian religion, So they
give thanks to themselves instead, of to The One God Jesus of the
Declare of its Independence. For at that time then, there were few
protestants, and even some of those, were Catholics... So, Left Wing
crap, you did not write this right... But yes, Santa Claus was a real
Saint in the true Catholic Church, lived long ago, and did bring gifts
to children. So yes, you may say that is very Catholic, for it is.
And true History.... Of course, So is Christmas... And so far,
I do not see the Holy Bible back inside the court rooms where it
belongs, yes, in the United States, forever.... But because no one
follows true Holy Scripture, the real bible, they would not know that it
says in it, in one of the prophecy's, that the world will not be able to
find the Holy Bible one day... and it is speaking about the end times
yes. At least not the real one....
Go to Church, the real one...
daniel ofm minim
you yourself are not Catholic. Thanksgiving is a pagan holiday, it
has nothing to do with Christmas, yet, pagans molded it into such a
thing that this is the day we give thanks to God, but it is really
a cesar thing about politics of pilgrims. A pilgrim could of been
anyone on the boat. So by true Catholic, it is not a Christian Holiday,
but yet it runs on the Declaration of Independence, as such
under obedience to the One true God. That God, is yes, Jesus. Yet,
many against the Christian Religion would say, that it is not descripted
as to which god it is... Which is just more plane flat out BULL SHIT
that no one should listen to, since the Daniel that wrote the
Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, was so a
very Roman Catholic, and owner of the Marlboro plantation, That yes, he
gave Washington DC the dam land they sit on, thats right, gave it to
them to build the Government of the USA on. Charity, which is what
Christ had taught to this world. Yet, so many of you , do not follow
\the Declaration of Independence in the true Ten Commandments that are
to be honored by everyone inside this nation. In order to honor the
true Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, the
very First Document that built this nation. Now, you can all understand
why, Thanksgiving seems like a Christian Holiday, yet it is not yet
proclaimed as such by the true Catholic Church. Why, because to many
pagans use it swapping sides against the Christian religion, So they
give thanks to themselves instead, of to The One God Jesus of the
Declare of its Independence. For at that time then, there were few
protestants, and even some of those, were Catholics... So, Left Wing
crap, you did not write this right... But yes, Santa Claus was a real
Saint in the true Catholic Church, lived long ago, and did bring gifts
to children. So yes, you may say that is very Catholic, for it is.
And true History.... Of course, So is Christmas... And so far,
I do not see the Holy Bible back inside the court rooms where it
belongs, yes, in the United States, forever.... But because no one
follows true Holy Scripture, the real bible, they would not know that it
says in it, in one of the prophecy's, that the world will not be able to
find the Holy Bible one day... and it is speaking about the end times
yes. At least not the real one....
Go to Church, the real one...
daniel ofm minim
Santa Claus is banned. The Pledge of Allegiance is no longer
recited. “Harvest festival” has replaced Thanksgiving, and
“winter celebrations” substitute for Christmas parties.
New principal Eujin Jaela Kim has given PS 169 in Sunset Park,
Brooklyn, a politically correct scrub-down, to the dismay of
teachers and parents.
“We definitely can’t say Christmas, nothing with Christmas on
it, nothing with Santa,” PTA President Mimi Ferrer said
administrators told her. “No angels. We can’t even have a star
because it can represent a religious system, like the Star of
Kim, 33, did not return a call or e-mail seeking comment.
A memo last month from assistant principal Jose Chaparro
suggested a “harvest festival instead of Thanksgiving or a
winter celebration instead of a Christmas party.” He urged staff
to “be sensitive of the diversity of our families. Not all
children celebrate the same holidays.”
Ninety-five percent of the 1,600 kids at PS 169 are Asian or
--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---recited. “Harvest festival” has replaced Thanksgiving, and
“winter celebrations” substitute for Christmas parties.
New principal Eujin Jaela Kim has given PS 169 in Sunset Park,
Brooklyn, a politically correct scrub-down, to the dismay of
teachers and parents.
“We definitely can’t say Christmas, nothing with Christmas on
it, nothing with Santa,” PTA President Mimi Ferrer said
administrators told her. “No angels. We can’t even have a star
because it can represent a religious system, like the Star of
Kim, 33, did not return a call or e-mail seeking comment.
A memo last month from assistant principal Jose Chaparro
suggested a “harvest festival instead of Thanksgiving or a
winter celebration instead of a Christmas party.” He urged staff
to “be sensitive of the diversity of our families. Not all
children celebrate the same holidays.”
Ninety-five percent of the 1,600 kids at PS 169 are Asian or