It is always easy to blame someone else, and Obama is a master at it!
(too old to reply)
The Facts
2012-04-23 06:34:33 UTC
Get your facts right!

· The day the Democrats took over was NOT January 22nd
2009 -- it was actually January 3, 2007.

· That’s the day the Democrats took over BOTH the House
of Representatives & Senate, the start of the 110th Congress.

· The Democratic Party controlled a majority in BOTH
chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress
in 1995.


For those of you who are listening to Liberals propagating the
fallacy that everything is "Bush's Fault"...
think about this:

January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the Senate
and the Congress (where the REAL power lies) FROM the

At that time:

· The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
· The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
· The Unemployment rate was 4.6%

George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT

Remember this day.

January 3rd, 2007 was the day that Barney Frank took over the
House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the
Senate Banking Committee.

The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in which

THANK YOU DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS for voting to take us from a
12,600+ DOW, 3.5 GDP and 4.6% Unemployment to this CRISIS in
record time... by (among MANY other things) dumping 5-6 TRILLION
Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac

All this was done in three short years!

(BTW: - Beginning in 2001, Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to fix
Fannie & Freddie - because it was financially risky for the US
economy. (Obviously, the Democrats ignored him every time).

Who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie

And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie? OBAMA &
the Democratic Congress


"It's not that liberals aren't smart, it's just that so much of
what they “know” isn't so."

- Ronald Reagan
2012-04-23 13:02:17 UTC
Post by The Facts
Get your facts right!
Get your newsgroup headers right, and take it to the politics-specific
newsgroups. Buh-bye now.
el Dorado
2012-10-23 18:07:35 UTC
Post by catpandaddy
Post by The Facts
Get your facts right!
Get your newsgroup headers right, and take it to the politics-specific
newsgroups. Buh-bye now.
Who do we blame for this?


First Solar, a solar energy company that received a $1.46 billion loan
guarantee from the Department of Energy, announced today that it will
layoff 2,000 workers in the United States and world-wide.

The company will "indefinitely idle" four production lines in Malaysia
and shutter a plant in Germany. "These actions, combined with other
personnel reductions in Europe and the U.S., will reduce First Solar's
global workforce by approximately 2,000 positions, about 30 percent of
the total," First Solar announced today.

"After a thorough analysis, it is clear the European market has
deteriorated to the extent that our operations there are no longer
economically sustainable, and maintaining those operations is not in the
best long-term interest of our stakeholders," said Mike Ahearn, Chairman
and Interim CEO of First Solar, in a statement.

In December, First Solar laid off 100 employees at a Santa Clara ,
Calif., plant. The DOE has committed $1.46 billion to a project in
Riverside County, California expected to create 15 permanent jobs and
550 construction jobs.

The Washington Examiner's Tim Carney reported last month that the
Export-Import Bank also subsidizes First Solar, helping the company "to
sell solar panels to itself" by having a Canadian solar company "wholly
owned" by First Solar by its parent company's products
2012-10-23 21:30:30 UTC
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
Post by The Facts
Get your facts right!
Get your newsgroup headers right, and take it to the politics-specific
newsgroups. Buh-bye now.
Who do we blame for this?
YOU. For not choosing proper newsgroups for your political tripeshow.
el Dorado
2012-10-24 16:02:58 UTC
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
Post by The Facts
Get your facts right!
Get your newsgroup headers right, and take it to the politics-specific
newsgroups. Buh-bye now.
Who do we blame for this?
YOU. For not choosing proper newsgroups for your political tripeshow.
Which newsgroup is improper for discussion on the direction this entire
nation is about to take?

How many more of these do you think we can afford under Obama?


First Solar, a solar energy company that received a $1.46 billion loan
guarantee from the Department of Energy, announced today that it will
layoff 2,000 workers in the United States and world-wide.

The company will "indefinitely idle" four production lines in Malaysia
and shutter a plant in Germany. "These actions, combined with other
personnel reductions in Europe and the U.S., will reduce First Solar's
global workforce by approximately 2,000 positions, about 30 percent of
the total," First Solar announced today.

"After a thorough analysis, it is clear the European market has
deteriorated to the extent that our operations there are no longer
economically sustainable, and maintaining those operations is not in the
best long-term interest of our stakeholders," said Mike Ahearn, Chairman
and Interim CEO of First Solar, in a statement.

In December, First Solar laid off 100 employees at a Santa Clara ,
Calif., plant. The DOE has committed $1.46 billion to a project in
Riverside County, California expected to create 15 permanent jobs and
550 construction jobs.

The Washington Examiner's Tim Carney reported last month that the
Export-Import Bank also subsidizes First Solar, helping the company "to
sell solar panels to itself" by having a Canadian solar company "wholly
owned" by First Solar by its parent company's products
Mark Hill
2012-10-24 21:00:49 UTC
While the Obama White House *ignored the frantic emails* from our Libyan
Embassy WHILE THEY WERE UNDER ATTACK, things were getting bad, very,
very bad...


The Lebanese news organization Tayyar.org is reporting that the murdered
American ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was raped prior to
his killing September 11, 2012.

Tayyar.com also reported via Google translation from the original
Arabic, Ambassador Stevens:

"...was killed and representation of his body in a manner similar to
what happened with Gaddafi, such as murder."

According to the BBC, when the former Libyan strongman Colonel Moammar
Gaddafi was initially captured:

"Still images from an analysis of amateur video footage taken in the
moments after Col Gaddafi's capture appear to show him being sodomised
with a pole or knife."

The Washington Times has posted a video clip (left) reportedly
originating from the Libyan Free Press confirming the sodomization of
Ambassador Stevens prior to his murder.

As translated by The Washington Times, the Libyan reporter stated:

"Libya - USA Ambassador in Bengazi sodomized and killed by his own
al-Qaeda puppets."


Was there a live feed of the terrorist attack in Benghazi?


Emails: White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack

(Reuters) - Officials at the White House and State Department were
advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission
in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had
claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.

The emails, obtained by Reuters from government sources not connected
with U.S. spy agencies or the State Department and who requested
anonymity, specifically mention that the Libyan group called Ansar
al-Sharia had asserted responsibility for the attacks.

The brief emails also show how U.S. diplomats described the attack, even
as it was still under way, to Washington.

U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were
killed in the Benghazi assault, which President Barack Obama and other
U.S. officials ultimately acknowledged was a "terrorist" attack carried
out by militants with suspected links to al Qaeda affiliates or

Administration spokesmen, including White House spokesman Jay Carney,
citing an unclassified assessment prepared by the CIA, maintained for
days that the attacks likely were a spontaneous protest against an
anti-Muslim film.
2012-10-25 02:08:14 UTC
Post by el Dorado
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
Post by The Facts
Get your facts right!
Get your newsgroup headers right, and take it to the politics-specific
newsgroups. Buh-bye now.
Who do we blame for this?
YOU. For not choosing proper newsgroups for your political tripeshow.
Which newsgroup is improper for discussion on the direction this entire
nation is about to take?
All the groups that lack "politics" in the newsgroup hierarchy name.

You're welcome.
el Dorado
2012-10-25 04:46:00 UTC
Post by catpandaddy
Post by el Dorado
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
Post by The Facts
Get your facts right!
Get your newsgroup headers right, and take it to the politics-specific
newsgroups. Buh-bye now.
Who do we blame for this?
YOU. For not choosing proper newsgroups for your political tripeshow.
Which newsgroup is improper for discussion on the direction this
entire nation is about to take?
All the groups that lack "politics" in the newsgroup hierarchy name.
Sorry, the petty syntax vagaries of un-moderated uselessnet groups worry
me far less than the looming Obama-led bankruptcy of this nation.

Priorities I suppose, we all got 'em.
Post by catpandaddy
You're welcome.
You're not.

The complete list of faltering or bankrupt green-energy companies:
1.Evergreen Solar ($25 million)*
2.SpectraWatt ($500,000)*
3.Solyndra ($535 million)*
4.Beacon Power ($43 million)*
5.Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)
6.SunPower ($1.2 billion)
7.First Solar ($1.46 billion)
8.Babcock and Brown ($178 million)
9.EnerDel’s subsidiary Ener1 ($118.5 million)*
10.Amonix ($5.9 million)
11.Fisker Automotive ($529 million)
12.Abound Solar ($400 million)*
13.A123 Systems ($279 million)*
14.Willard and Kelsey Solar Group ($700,981)*
15.Johnson Controls ($299 million)
16.Schneider Electric ($86 million)
17.Brightsource ($1.6 billion)
18.ECOtality ($126.2 million)
19.Raser Technologies ($33 million)*
20.Energy Conversion Devices ($13.3 million)*
21.Mountain Plaza, Inc. ($2 million)*
22.Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Company ($10
23.Range Fuels ($80 million)*
24.Thompson River Power ($6.5 million)*
25.Stirling Energy Systems ($7 million)*
26.Azure Dynamics ($5.4 million)*
27.GreenVolts ($500,000)
28.Vestas ($50 million)
29.LG Chem’s subsidiary Compact Power ($151 million)
30.Nordic Windpower ($16 million)*
31.Navistar ($39 million)
32.Satcon ($3 million)*
33.Konarka Technologies Inc. ($20 million)*
34.Mascoma Corp. ($100 million)
2012-10-25 12:21:38 UTC
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
Post by el Dorado
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
Post by The Facts
Get your facts right!
Get your newsgroup headers right, and take it to the
newsgroups. Buh-bye now.
Who do we blame for this?
YOU. For not choosing proper newsgroups for your political tripeshow.
Which newsgroup is improper for discussion on the direction this
entire nation is about to take?
All the groups that lack "politics" in the newsgroup hierarchy name.
Sorry, the petty syntax vagaries of un-moderated uselessnet groups worry
me far less than the looming Obama-led bankruptcy of this nation.
Post by catpandaddy
You're welcome.
You're not.
I'm not the intruding spammer here. Generally speaking, you are the
outsider to this newsgroup (and by extension the others) and, as you must
know, the outsider does not determine whether the regulars are welcome to
the group. The regulars are already here. The regulars determine YOUR
level of welcomeness. Not vice versa.

Join our bitbucket now. There are some other trolls in there which you may
find to be very good company for you.

el Dorado
2012-10-25 15:39:33 UTC
Post by catpandaddy
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
Post by el Dorado
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
Post by The Facts
Get your facts right!
Get your newsgroup headers right, and take it to the
newsgroups. Buh-bye now.
Who do we blame for this?
YOU. For not choosing proper newsgroups for your political tripeshow.
Which newsgroup is improper for discussion on the direction this
entire nation is about to take?
All the groups that lack "politics" in the newsgroup hierarchy name.
Sorry, the petty syntax vagaries of un-moderated uselessnet groups
worry me far less than the looming Obama-led bankruptcy of this nation.
Post by catpandaddy
You're welcome.
You're not.
I'm not the intruding spammer here.
I'm not terribly taken by your plaintive whining.
Post by catpandaddy
Generally speaking, you are the
outsider to this newsgroup (and by extension the others)
Oh I'm sorry, is that you pulling rank in a public non-moderated forum?
Post by catpandaddy
and, as you must know, the outsider does not determine whether the regulars are
welcome to the group.
What pray tell need I do to be 'welcome' in a _public_ non-moderate forum?

It must be some arcane genuflection....

<shakes head in bemusement>
Post by catpandaddy
The regulars are already here. The regulars
determine YOUR level of welcomeness. Not vice versa.
They do eh, so when will this sage counsel of "regulars" issue their
edict, or have you appointed your holy self to demur for them?
Post by catpandaddy
Join our bitbucket now.
Oh lookie, the distinctly non-royal "we" has been invoked.

Post by catpandaddy
There are some other trolls in there which you
may find to be very good company for you.
I'm sure your vivid, id plebeian imagination keeps you good company in
your sojourns across virtuality.


The complete list of faltering or bankrupt green-energy companies:
1.Evergreen Solar ($25 million)*
2.SpectraWatt ($500,000)*
3.Solyndra ($535 million)*
4.Beacon Power ($43 million)*
5.Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)
6.SunPower ($1.2 billion)
7.First Solar ($1.46 billion)
8.Babcock and Brown ($178 million)
9.EnerDel’s subsidiary Ener1 ($118.5 million)*
10.Amonix ($5.9 million)
11.Fisker Automotive ($529 million)
12.Abound Solar ($400 million)*
13.A123 Systems ($279 million)*
14.Willard and Kelsey Solar Group ($700,981)*
15.Johnson Controls ($299 million)
16.Schneider Electric ($86 million)
17.Brightsource ($1.6 billion)
18.ECOtality ($126.2 million)
19.Raser Technologies ($33 million)*
20.Energy Conversion Devices ($13.3 million)*
21.Mountain Plaza, Inc. ($2 million)*
22.Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Company ($10
23.Range Fuels ($80 million)*
24.Thompson River Power ($6.5 million)*
25.Stirling Energy Systems ($7 million)*
26.Azure Dynamics ($5.4 million)*
27.GreenVolts ($500,000)
28.Vestas ($50 million)
29.LG Chem’s subsidiary Compact Power ($151 million)
30.Nordic Windpower ($16 million)*
31.Navistar ($39 million)
32.Satcon ($3 million)*
33.Konarka Technologies Inc. ($20 million)*
34.Mascoma Corp. ($100 million)
Michael Stemper
2012-10-25 16:57:31 UTC
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
Post by el Dorado
Post by el Dorado
politics-specific newsgroups. Buh-bye now.
Who do we blame for this?
YOU. For not choosing proper newsgroups for your political tripeshow.
Which newsgroup is improper for discussion on the direction this
entire nation is about to take?
All the groups that lack "politics" in the newsgroup hierarchy name.
Sorry, the petty syntax vagaries of un-moderated uselessnet groups
worry me far less than the looming Obama-led bankruptcy of this nation.
Post by catpandaddy
You're welcome.
You're not.
I'm not the intruding spammer here.
I'm not terribly taken by your plaintive whining.
Pissing off your intended audience isn't generally a good way to get
them to listen to you. Just sayin'
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
and, as you must know, the outsider does not determine whether the regulars
are welcome to the group.
What pray tell need I do to be 'welcome' in a _public_ non-moderate forum?
There are two options:
1. Only post when you want to say something relevant to the subject
of the group.
2. Light yourself on fire and die in great agony.

(I don't know the norms of the Oregon, Colorado, Nebraska or Florida
groups. I'm only making this suggestion on behalf of the Minnesota
Michael F. Stemper
#include <Standard_Disclaimer>
Life's too important to take seriously.
2012-10-25 17:20:08 UTC
Post by Michael Stemper
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
Post by el Dorado
Post by el Dorado
politics-specific newsgroups. Buh-bye now.
Who do we blame for this?
YOU. For not choosing proper newsgroups for your political tripeshow.
Which newsgroup is improper for discussion on the direction this
entire nation is about to take?
All the groups that lack "politics" in the newsgroup hierarchy name.
Sorry, the petty syntax vagaries of un-moderated uselessnet groups
worry me far less than the looming Obama-led bankruptcy of this nation.
Post by catpandaddy
You're welcome.
You're not.
I'm not the intruding spammer here.
I'm not terribly taken by your plaintive whining.
Pissing off your intended audience isn't generally a good way to get
them to listen to you. Just sayin'
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
and, as you must know, the outsider does not determine whether the regulars
are welcome to the group.
What pray tell need I do to be 'welcome' in a _public_ non-moderate forum?
1. Only post when you want to say something relevant to the subject
of the group.
2. Light yourself on fire and die in great agony.
(I don't know the norms of the Oregon, Colorado, Nebraska or Florida
groups. I'm only making this suggestion on behalf of the Minnesota
Michael F. Stemper
Exactly right.
el Dorado
2012-10-25 18:21:22 UTC
Post by catpandaddy
Post by Michael Stemper
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
Post by el Dorado
Post by el Dorado
politics-specific newsgroups. Buh-bye now.
Who do we blame for this?
YOU. For not choosing proper newsgroups for your political tripeshow.
Which newsgroup is improper for discussion on the direction this
entire nation is about to take?
All the groups that lack "politics" in the newsgroup hierarchy name.
Sorry, the petty syntax vagaries of un-moderated uselessnet groups
worry me far less than the looming Obama-led bankruptcy of this nation.
Post by catpandaddy
You're welcome.
You're not.
I'm not the intruding spammer here.
I'm not terribly taken by your plaintive whining.
Pissing off your intended audience isn't generally a good way to get
them to listen to you. Just sayin'
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
and, as you must know, the outsider does not determine whether the
are welcome to the group.
What pray tell need I do to be 'welcome' in a _public_ non-moderate forum?
1. Only post when you want to say something relevant to the subject
of the group.
2. Light yourself on fire and die in great agony.
(I don't know the norms of the Oregon, Colorado, Nebraska or Florida
groups. I'm only making this suggestion on behalf of the Minnesota
Michael F. Stemper
Exactly right.
You two lovers fire up some Rush albums and snuggle in for the long cold
winter ahead...

el Dorado
2012-10-25 18:20:44 UTC
Post by Michael Stemper
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
Post by el Dorado
Post by el Dorado
politics-specific newsgroups. Buh-bye now.
Who do we blame for this?
YOU. For not choosing proper newsgroups for your political tripeshow.
Which newsgroup is improper for discussion on the direction this
entire nation is about to take?
All the groups that lack "politics" in the newsgroup hierarchy name.
Sorry, the petty syntax vagaries of un-moderated uselessnet groups
worry me far less than the looming Obama-led bankruptcy of this nation.
Post by catpandaddy
You're welcome.
You're not.
I'm not the intruding spammer here.
I'm not terribly taken by your plaintive whining.
Pissing off your intended audience isn't generally a good way to get
them to listen to you. Just sayin'
The reactionary nature of certain emotionally unstable sorts is a hazard
of the medium, of course.
Post by Michael Stemper
Post by el Dorado
Post by catpandaddy
and, as you must know, the outsider does not determine whether the regulars
are welcome to the group.
What pray tell need I do to be 'welcome' in a _public_ non-moderate forum?
1. Only post when you want to say something relevant to the subject
of the group.
2. Light yourself on fire and die in great agony.
Iow, you're as deranged as the other poster, well, enjoy your insanity.
Post by Michael Stemper
(I don't know the norms of the Oregon, Colorado, Nebraska or Florida
groups. I'm only making this suggestion on behalf of the Minnesota
It's the long cold winters and lack of light that cause this
melancholia, isn't it?

Here's what makes me sad:


First Solar, a solar energy company that received a $1.46 billion loan
guarantee from the Department of Energy, announced today that it will
layoff 2,000 workers in the United States and world-wide.

The company will "indefinitely idle" four production lines in Malaysia
and shutter a plant in Germany. "These actions, combined with other
personnel reductions in Europe and the U.S., will reduce First Solar's
global workforce by approximately 2,000 positions, about 30 percent of
the total," First Solar announced today.

"After a thorough analysis, it is clear the European market has
deteriorated to the extent that our operations there are no longer
economically sustainable, and maintaining those operations is not in the
best long-term interest of our stakeholders," said Mike Ahearn, Chairman
and Interim CEO of First Solar, in a statement.

In December, First Solar laid off 100 employees at a Santa Clara ,
Calif., plant. The DOE has committed $1.46 billion to a project in
Riverside County, California expected to create 15 permanent jobs and
550 construction jobs.

The Washington Examiner's Tim Carney reported last month that the
Export-Import Bank also subsidizes First Solar, helping the company "to
sell solar panels to itself" by having a Canadian solar company "wholly
owned" by First Solar by its parent company's products
James and LuAnne Smith
2012-05-08 04:52:36 UTC
Dont Recommend Games For TV
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